Sunday Service Times
9am - Traditional
11am - Modern
Childrens Ministry (birth-6th grade)
Latest Sermon
Check out our most recent sermon or find previous sermons here.
We desire to help you connect with Jesus Christ and others as we worship and engage Scripture together!
We desire to help you connect with Jesus Christ and others as we worship and engage Scripture together!

About Us
Connecting People to Jesus and One Another...
We desire to be a community of people dedicated to connecting individually with Christ and collectively with others around us. Our call is simple: Go into the world and make disciples of Jesus. Everything we do is focused on that one goal...making disciples of Jesus who go and make disciples of Jesus. Relationships are important and essential for us following Jesus and growing with each other. Our beliefs are rooted within Scripture and don't change. Click below to see what we believe and hold true to.
Help and Resources

Request Prayer
We are here to pray for and with you concerning the things going on in life. Allow us the opportunity to pray for you.

Feed a Family Food Distribution
We partner with the Salvation Army to distribute bags of food to those in need on a monthly basis.

Request a Ride
Unable to transport yourself to Sunday morning services? Request a ride and we can assist!

Counseling & Help
We can help you connect with a Christian, faith-based counselor to help you navigate through life's ups and downs.
Meet the Team
Our team loves Jesus, loves people and wants to walk with you as you connect with Jesus and others. Our leadership team is excited to meet you and walk with you as you connect with Jesus and other.

GEt Connected in groups
Jesus walked in relationship with others, and set the example for us to do the same. At North Christian Church in Cheyenne, Wyoming, we desire to provide opportunities for you to connect with other followers of Jesus to grow, be discipled and disciple others. Our groups are designed for us to engage together with Scripture in a meaningful and relevant way. Discover how we can walk alongside you as we pursue Jesus together.
We'd love to see you!
We look forward to the opportunity to meet and get to know you! Plan to join us on a Sunday morning or during one of our upcoming events!