419 Info & Announcements

419 Group Leaders / Co-Leaders

Thank you for all you do!   You are the on the front lines of our work in relational discipleship here, and without you, we are not able to achieve any growth or development in discipleship.  Thank you for your work, dedication, consistency, and perseverance!  

We have some exciting things coming up, and need to get that information to you!   We also have some info that we need from you as well.   I am hoping that communicating in this way can make it easy for you to get the info and respond quickly.  Please take a few moments to read the following info, share with your group what is appropriate, and respond with the info we need from you in the form at the bottom.   We appreciate all you do.  

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or Don with any questions or concerns you may have, or if there is any encouragement or support that you need as you do the work you are doing!  

419 Gathering - share with your group / response needed
We want to celebrate all that God is doing in our lives through discipleship happening here!   Everyone is invited to our first annual 419 Gathering and Celebration.   We want to take a couple hours and celebrate growth and success, have some laughs, and be encouraged to stay the course.   Everyone who attends 419’s (even if they do not attend NCC) is invited, as well as those interested in joining a 419 in the future.  

We are looking at Sunday, June 4th at 12:30 for this gathering.   We will have a meal, some conversation and encouragement, and be done within a couple hours.   Childcare will also be provided for those needing it.   Please communicate with your groups and reply in the form below if this day/time works and if the majority of your group can or cannot make it.   RSVP for this will be required at a later time.  

Summer Plans - share with your group / response needed
Please take a moment and talk with your group about your summer plans.   Do you plan to continue on meeting regularly?  Continue meeting, but not as regularly?   Not meeting at all?   Please let us know in the form below what you plan to do.  

If few or no groups plan to meet during the summer, we will stop providing group lesson material during this time.   We will plan to have group start back up either the week of Labor Day, or the following week.  

Who do you see ‘Getting It’? - response needed
Group leaders/Co-Leaders - who do you see in your groups ‘getting it’, when it comes to relational discipleship?   Who do you see starting to understand the model we use?  Who do you hear asking the right questions and saying that they are committed to it?   Who do you see taking steps to get more involved, lead or want to know more?    Please let us know in the form below!  

We are always looking for future leaders!   Whether it is to invite them to Equip Training (see below) or to Discipleship Training that you have been through, we want to be sure we are watching for future leaders and continue to help them take steps in getting involved and potentially leading.  

Equip Training - save the date / response needed
We recognize that it is vitally important that what we each are doing in our groups is reproduced  the same.   We also recognize that it is easy for us to veer off track and target when we are operating in our own groups.   Said differently - we believe it is important for all of us to be aiming at the same target, and hitting the same bullseye, every time.    

In order to do this, we believe that occasional training is needed to ensure we are all holding to the same foundational principles and practices that are important for relational discipleship to continue on point.   To that end, we are asking you as group leaders and co-leaders to save the date of August 26th for what we are calling Equip Training.  

Equip Training is invite-only training for those who currently lead or co-lead 419 groups, or those who have been identified as future leaders who we wish to begin to train.   This is not for every attender of 419’s.   During this training, we want to cover the essentials of discipleship and group leadership.   We want to ensure that we are all still aiming and hitting the same bullseye.  

While we cannot make this training mandatory, we do believe that it is vitally important for everyone to be there.  Again, this ensures we are all doing and accomplishing the same things in our groups.   Please look at your calendar and reply in the form below with your availability to attend this training.

419 Gathering

Summer Plans

Getting It

Equip Training

How can we help?